The Library is closed on Thursday 9 May for Liberation Day.

Film Screening: Nineteen Eighty-Four

Film Screening: Nineteen Eighty-Four

A special free screening of 'Nineteen Eighty-Four' to commemorate the 70th anniversary of George Orwell's death.

Friday 24 January, 19.30 start

In collaboration with local arts collective Thinking On Your Feet, we're showing the classic film 'Nineteen Eighty-Four' in the Hayward Room.

The film stars John Hurt, Richard Burton, Suzanna Hamilton and Cyril Cusack. It follows the life of Winston Smith, a low-ranking civil servant in a war-torn London ruled by Oceania, a totalitarian superstate. Smith (Hurt) struggles to maintain his sanity and his grip on reality as the regime's overwhelming power and influence persecutes individualism and individual thinking on both a political and personal level.

Click HERE to book your free ticket.